Cargo is truly giving me the Wings I Lack. I was told that he would NOT jump, probably because of bad previous experience, and I accepted that. Today, while we were out in the forest, we happened upon a small tree lying on the trail. Hmm well, we walked over it. Lis trotted - and JUMPED it (It was a huge thing for her, she had not jumped it since a very very bad accident). She looked so happy, I just had to turn around and trot it too. Nothing happened, except he was not nearly as resistant to it as the first time. Well, we had to get back over it, and just for laughs, I trotted it again.
My first ever jump, he was not nervous, but seemed to enjoy it a tiny bit. Oh Cargo, Wind underneath my Wings! We flew!
Monday, 29 December 2008
Sunday, 28 December 2008
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Both my sister, my younger brother and my parents got new digital cameras for christmas. I was so lucky that I could convince my brother to drive me to my home in Denmark, and to ake pictures and a movie of me while I was riding. He kind of blew the picture part, none of them were remotely good - except maybe the one of "The Blonde" (A brunette riding a fjord, yes, I was LOL'ing when he described her as "The Blonde" becaue the horse was "Blond").

This is a still from the movie he made of us, where I directed him to the middle of the arena and then proceeded to trot around and around him. Here I am sitting the trot, and I really, really like this picture. Cargo hits heel first, he walks at a good speed, and I dont sit like a total troll. My trainer is not satisfied because Cargos head is not "down", but meh, I think it is the overall package that counts.

Look, getting the back up, bending here, trotting like a pro. Granted, not much "fly" in his gaits, but I dont care, as long as they are solid. My legs are only a little forward, my hands are upright, my back is much straighter than before, my arms are not flying so badly.

Behold, a still from the video when I was trying him out. We are "trying" to bend here - see the flying arms, the chair seat, how the toes point out more, his back is pressed down, and he is not stepping up in his own track. This is not a bad moment, it is probably one of the best moments in the whole video.
I was a little disappointed in myself for not cantering yet, but after seeing this video I know why I am not cantering, and I have known all along. I need balance, I need reassurance, I need to be good and solid before I go to the next level. Today I had a real great experience, I was just walking around when I wanted to rearrange my seat but just made a jerk forward - and wouldnt you know, the horse trotted off :) I tried to repeat what I did a few times, and sure enough, I soon found out just how to make him trot off with just my seat. I also started teaching myself the two-point position, but I am still jiggling a lot up and down with the heavy butt of mine, but I learn something new every time I ride him. We only rode like 25 minutes today because my grandparents were watching and pointing at their watches (Why do they come 30 min. early, then?), but it was good nonetheless.
My grandparents were very happily surprised at Cargo. I think they suspected another Basse, but I showed them his papers, my grandmother fed him carrots and praised his even, steady gaits, they awed at his size, and my grandfather told me that Cargo is built sturdily and is a "Really pretty horse, you are a very pretty rider, and it made me very proud to see you two ride". Thanks Grandpa :)
On another note, my younger brother (He is not my "little" brother, as he is 6'5" tall) also rode Cargo, it was a blast. First, it was a heart attack for me because he is so unhorsey, tried to rearrange Cargos blanket while I desperately tried to get him to take the reins as the horse was walking off, having stood still for longer than he ever does when I get up. Then he attempts to stop the horse - would have worked if he had not dug his heels into Cargos side. Ah well, now he knows that Cargo has a niiice slooow trot. He learned how to stop him, steer him, all calmly and in a good manner, but I was laughing my butt off when he did not see me. Cargo was clearly confused at the beginning, but when he found out the guy on his back was not expecting him to do anything, he relaxed almost to the "sleeping while awake" state.
Both my sister, my younger brother and my parents got new digital cameras for christmas. I was so lucky that I could convince my brother to drive me to my home in Denmark, and to ake pictures and a movie of me while I was riding. He kind of blew the picture part, none of them were remotely good - except maybe the one of "The Blonde" (A brunette riding a fjord, yes, I was LOL'ing when he described her as "The Blonde" becaue the horse was "Blond").
This is a still from the movie he made of us, where I directed him to the middle of the arena and then proceeded to trot around and around him. Here I am sitting the trot, and I really, really like this picture. Cargo hits heel first, he walks at a good speed, and I dont sit like a total troll. My trainer is not satisfied because Cargos head is not "down", but meh, I think it is the overall package that counts.
Look, getting the back up, bending here, trotting like a pro. Granted, not much "fly" in his gaits, but I dont care, as long as they are solid. My legs are only a little forward, my hands are upright, my back is much straighter than before, my arms are not flying so badly.
Behold, a still from the video when I was trying him out. We are "trying" to bend here - see the flying arms, the chair seat, how the toes point out more, his back is pressed down, and he is not stepping up in his own track. This is not a bad moment, it is probably one of the best moments in the whole video.
I was a little disappointed in myself for not cantering yet, but after seeing this video I know why I am not cantering, and I have known all along. I need balance, I need reassurance, I need to be good and solid before I go to the next level. Today I had a real great experience, I was just walking around when I wanted to rearrange my seat but just made a jerk forward - and wouldnt you know, the horse trotted off :) I tried to repeat what I did a few times, and sure enough, I soon found out just how to make him trot off with just my seat. I also started teaching myself the two-point position, but I am still jiggling a lot up and down with the heavy butt of mine, but I learn something new every time I ride him. We only rode like 25 minutes today because my grandparents were watching and pointing at their watches (Why do they come 30 min. early, then?), but it was good nonetheless.
My grandparents were very happily surprised at Cargo. I think they suspected another Basse, but I showed them his papers, my grandmother fed him carrots and praised his even, steady gaits, they awed at his size, and my grandfather told me that Cargo is built sturdily and is a "Really pretty horse, you are a very pretty rider, and it made me very proud to see you two ride". Thanks Grandpa :)
On another note, my younger brother (He is not my "little" brother, as he is 6'5" tall) also rode Cargo, it was a blast. First, it was a heart attack for me because he is so unhorsey, tried to rearrange Cargos blanket while I desperately tried to get him to take the reins as the horse was walking off, having stood still for longer than he ever does when I get up. Then he attempts to stop the horse - would have worked if he had not dug his heels into Cargos side. Ah well, now he knows that Cargo has a niiice slooow trot. He learned how to stop him, steer him, all calmly and in a good manner, but I was laughing my butt off when he did not see me. Cargo was clearly confused at the beginning, but when he found out the guy on his back was not expecting him to do anything, he relaxed almost to the "sleeping while awake" state.
Sunday, 21 December 2008
It changes so fast.
December 6 we had this small parade through the town with the horses, and I met one of the girls grandfather, as he was holding her pony. Week after when she came in for the weekly lesson I met him again, a tuesday. Then, this thursday I texted the girls mother that her Christmas Present had come in (I had found a helmet for the daughter on sale), and she wrote me back "Oh, not right now, Hans died yesterday".
He what? Little over a week ago he was proudly showing off pictures of his Oldenburgs that he had been breeding for almost half a century, the keured stallions, his mares of which three were due to foal in the spring, and all of a sudden he is gone? We were quite shocked everyone because it was so sudden - not because we knew the man well, but because he seemed so agile and healthy.
But then again, a few years ago I was with my best friend, talking, when he gets a call that his wife just dropped to the ground. She was dead, braindead, but her body lived a few more days. Just like.. Poof. Gone. End of the line. No more chances. Now you see me - now you dont. For no particular other reason that time was up and someone turned a switch. Makes us think.
He what? Little over a week ago he was proudly showing off pictures of his Oldenburgs that he had been breeding for almost half a century, the keured stallions, his mares of which three were due to foal in the spring, and all of a sudden he is gone? We were quite shocked everyone because it was so sudden - not because we knew the man well, but because he seemed so agile and healthy.
But then again, a few years ago I was with my best friend, talking, when he gets a call that his wife just dropped to the ground. She was dead, braindead, but her body lived a few more days. Just like.. Poof. Gone. End of the line. No more chances. Now you see me - now you dont. For no particular other reason that time was up and someone turned a switch. Makes us think.
Saturday, 20 December 2008
Today it is exactly two months since that the old owners of Cargo delivered him to me. They drove him up here, and I saved a big bunch of money and time. They were happy to see the place where he would be living. Even though they were fine with the decision to sell him (He was bought to be the husbands but did not cut it for his use, parades in pedestrian areas etc., and given to his wife, who is tiny and thought he was too large), they were both wet-eyed when they had said a last goodbye to him, and when I hugged the wife she started to cry.
I rode him today, but not so much because he had just been fed and he had not been ridden for two days. It was GREAT. HE is great. I am learning so much on him, and enjoy being with him. So much is getting intuitive with him now, and he is slowly tipping over his hindquarters and not just peddling with his front legs. He is making me much better rider. Every time I have ridden him I am sorry that it is over, and just want to do it again.

Here is a picture of us at the show. I was nervous and rode MUCH too hard-handed, something that I have trouble with. I can get him to bend etc. by being hardhanded - but if I barely touch him it is much easier and he is much happier.
I rode him today, but not so much because he had just been fed and he had not been ridden for two days. It was GREAT. HE is great. I am learning so much on him, and enjoy being with him. So much is getting intuitive with him now, and he is slowly tipping over his hindquarters and not just peddling with his front legs. He is making me much better rider. Every time I have ridden him I am sorry that it is over, and just want to do it again.

Here is a picture of us at the show. I was nervous and rode MUCH too hard-handed, something that I have trouble with. I can get him to bend etc. by being hardhanded - but if I barely touch him it is much easier and he is much happier.
Saturday, 13 December 2008
Day of the Show
It was an enjoyable day, and I learned very much about what the judges want to see at a horseshow.
07:00 : Get out of bed, slog down into the shower
07:20 : Find white gloves, sponge, white bellboots and white boots that I borrowed Friday
07:55 : Frantically find out I am going to be late, pull a brush through my hair, run out to the biycle and cycle off madly to the boarding barn
08:05 : Arrive at the boarding barn, braid a forelock, calm down two parents, hand out my mane elastics to anyone and anybody
08:15 : Remeber why I arrived so early: Helper's Breakfast :)
08:35 : Struggle with the worlds fattest and most stubborn fjord, change saddelcloths twice, retrieve him from the neighbours stall thrice, think of sending him to the butcher four times, but persevering and sending a happy boy off with his fjord to the w/t group class.
08:55 : Getting a phone call that I am very much wanted over in the arena, nobody can gather themselves to write for the judge, so I scoot on over.
09:03 : Still no judge. People are sent out to search for her, and call her..
09:05 : Lis, a very experienced rider, steps in and judges the two pony w/t classes. She is wonderfully lax with her points, the kids love it, and though we see some horrible riding some kids are really good. One of my protegees win on a lesson horse, and I am tickled pink.
10:01 : The judge hurries in. She believed she was booked for Dec. 24 - and I am not surprised, the woman who booked her is, well, a leeeeetle confused at the best of days.
10:02 : The father of the girl who placed 2'nd in the w/t class comes in complaining that there was no deducting of points from the winner, because she had help in remembering the pattern. Judge is polite, says no, the class was written out "With or without help", gets him out of the judging house, and gave him the biggest, baddest fuckfinger when he left. I officially love her now...
10:35 : I remember I have a horse too, and that he is out in the field, all dirty and "horsey", and that I am supposed to have an immaculately groomed horse all warmed up and ready to go exactly at noon. Oops!
10:45 : I try to dodge my way around the barn with two horses at once - Cargos pasturemate and Cargo. Pluto gets taken off of my hand, so I position Cargo, all ready to be groomed.
11:25 : STRESS. Everybody wants and/or needs my help, and my horse is only halfway braided. I must remember spurs, white gloves, white boots and bellboots, white saddlepad and and and.
11:35 : I am finally in the arena, ready to warm up. A friend of mine came running with spurs, fleece blanket and white gloves, I had totally forgotten that!
12:00 : Out of the Arena. Wait and wait until the first rider has completed her pattern.
12:07 : I come in. NERVOUS. Cargo did not do good at the warm-up, and I know it is because I am very nervous, and he is not completely comfortable either, so he is stiff and will not bend or anything, its head up and back down and run run. I think about scratching, but nah. We ride an OK pattern, except for the two things I was unsure about. They suck.
12:15 : Results in, I am second of three. I am bitter, because I was one point behind the winner, and that girl got help even though the class was not written out for help to be given to the participants. I walk around being angry for a bit, and then lighten up when I remember the angry daddy in the judges house. Nope, not sinking quite as low as him! I accept my score.
12:45 : Oh wait, there is free dinner for the helpers from 11:30 to 13:00. I better hurry - and get asparagus soup. Yum.
12:59 : Walk out to my horsey, caress him a bit, suck up the last of the bitterness, and resolves NEVER to go to a show again!
13:20 : Writing for the judge again. This time it is another judge, a very nice one too. We had an absolute blast. She explained to me what she thought was good and bad, in more words than the short resume on the critique.
14:43 : The kitchen sent up a giant plate of sweets for the judge, the secretary and me.
15:30 : I have learned SO much about what the judges want to see at a show, and what a show is for, and how much you an learn if you have a good judge who will explain his/her judgings. I almost had a cramp from all the writing I did on other peoples critiques! I resolved to start lots of shows, and get really good at it!
16:40 : Finished. I throw on my sweater, the warm coat, pick all the trash that is spilling out of my tack locker, kiss my horse goodnight and hurry home in the dark.
Good day - and Cargo was a sweetheart. He really was. We could even walk around the parked cars, and I walked him a bit out on the road. I am optimistic that we'll be trail profis in the spring instead of just always being in the arena. He was just anxious, I was anxious, and had a far too tight grip on his head. Poor Cargo. But in the spring there is another show at our place, and I want to show w/t/c, two classes.
But next adventure for Cargo and I is to get a saddle fitter out. Its needed. The saddle that was supposedly fitted for him fits like crap!
07:00 : Get out of bed, slog down into the shower
07:20 : Find white gloves, sponge, white bellboots and white boots that I borrowed Friday
07:55 : Frantically find out I am going to be late, pull a brush through my hair, run out to the biycle and cycle off madly to the boarding barn
08:05 : Arrive at the boarding barn, braid a forelock, calm down two parents, hand out my mane elastics to anyone and anybody
08:15 : Remeber why I arrived so early: Helper's Breakfast :)
08:35 : Struggle with the worlds fattest and most stubborn fjord, change saddelcloths twice, retrieve him from the neighbours stall thrice, think of sending him to the butcher four times, but persevering and sending a happy boy off with his fjord to the w/t group class.
08:55 : Getting a phone call that I am very much wanted over in the arena, nobody can gather themselves to write for the judge, so I scoot on over.
09:03 : Still no judge. People are sent out to search for her, and call her..
09:05 : Lis, a very experienced rider, steps in and judges the two pony w/t classes. She is wonderfully lax with her points, the kids love it, and though we see some horrible riding some kids are really good. One of my protegees win on a lesson horse, and I am tickled pink.
10:01 : The judge hurries in. She believed she was booked for Dec. 24 - and I am not surprised, the woman who booked her is, well, a leeeeetle confused at the best of days.
10:02 : The father of the girl who placed 2'nd in the w/t class comes in complaining that there was no deducting of points from the winner, because she had help in remembering the pattern. Judge is polite, says no, the class was written out "With or without help", gets him out of the judging house, and gave him the biggest, baddest fuckfinger when he left. I officially love her now...
10:35 : I remember I have a horse too, and that he is out in the field, all dirty and "horsey", and that I am supposed to have an immaculately groomed horse all warmed up and ready to go exactly at noon. Oops!
10:45 : I try to dodge my way around the barn with two horses at once - Cargos pasturemate and Cargo. Pluto gets taken off of my hand, so I position Cargo, all ready to be groomed.
11:25 : STRESS. Everybody wants and/or needs my help, and my horse is only halfway braided. I must remember spurs, white gloves, white boots and bellboots, white saddlepad and and and.
11:35 : I am finally in the arena, ready to warm up. A friend of mine came running with spurs, fleece blanket and white gloves, I had totally forgotten that!
12:00 : Out of the Arena. Wait and wait until the first rider has completed her pattern.
12:07 : I come in. NERVOUS. Cargo did not do good at the warm-up, and I know it is because I am very nervous, and he is not completely comfortable either, so he is stiff and will not bend or anything, its head up and back down and run run. I think about scratching, but nah. We ride an OK pattern, except for the two things I was unsure about. They suck.
12:15 : Results in, I am second of three. I am bitter, because I was one point behind the winner, and that girl got help even though the class was not written out for help to be given to the participants. I walk around being angry for a bit, and then lighten up when I remember the angry daddy in the judges house. Nope, not sinking quite as low as him! I accept my score.
12:45 : Oh wait, there is free dinner for the helpers from 11:30 to 13:00. I better hurry - and get asparagus soup. Yum.
12:59 : Walk out to my horsey, caress him a bit, suck up the last of the bitterness, and resolves NEVER to go to a show again!
13:20 : Writing for the judge again. This time it is another judge, a very nice one too. We had an absolute blast. She explained to me what she thought was good and bad, in more words than the short resume on the critique.
14:43 : The kitchen sent up a giant plate of sweets for the judge, the secretary and me.
15:30 : I have learned SO much about what the judges want to see at a show, and what a show is for, and how much you an learn if you have a good judge who will explain his/her judgings. I almost had a cramp from all the writing I did on other peoples critiques! I resolved to start lots of shows, and get really good at it!
16:40 : Finished. I throw on my sweater, the warm coat, pick all the trash that is spilling out of my tack locker, kiss my horse goodnight and hurry home in the dark.
Good day - and Cargo was a sweetheart. He really was. We could even walk around the parked cars, and I walked him a bit out on the road. I am optimistic that we'll be trail profis in the spring instead of just always being in the arena. He was just anxious, I was anxious, and had a far too tight grip on his head. Poor Cargo. But in the spring there is another show at our place, and I want to show w/t/c, two classes.
But next adventure for Cargo and I is to get a saddle fitter out. Its needed. The saddle that was supposedly fitted for him fits like crap!
Friday, 12 December 2008
My legs are hurting
Today we trained for the show. Oh my.
Went out and put up the dividers in the arena because we are supposedly only riding in an 20*40 meter instead of the 20*60 the normal horse patterns are in, because this w/t class does not need more room. Cargo is deathly afraid of jumps and anything the like, but he managed really well (The dividers are "jumps"set up closely against each other).
So we got in, walked down to the dividers and sniffed them thoroughly, got up and started the warm-up, which of course consisted of many rounds around the dividers. When Lis came we started some trot work, big laps around the arena, posting the trot, trying to make him relax a bit and collect. Then 20 m. circles,10 m. circles, sitting the trot, and doing my pattern a few times. It was just better every time!! Worked on half-halts, good trot tempo, and me sitting upright!! He also started to collect himself good. I have problems with it, but as soon as I loosen up and remember to work for it he will start to collect himself.
He was so wet when we finished, wow, but no solarium today, just on with a waterproof blanket and out in the pasture. I am sure he prefers it that way too. I love that horse :-) But my legs HURT. HURT HURT. I almost cramped when I started trotting. I've suddenly started to develop muscle in my lower legs, and coupled with the fact that I have put on weight and only "just" could get my boots on when I bought Cargo (Had not used them for over a half year previous) it is getting crampalicious!
I hope we will continue that good strain we have hit, he is such a good horse and I love him to bits, really. Only in the parades, he tries to take the bit and jig away, but if he will just stand still (if I can make him, that is), I am positive we will do well.
Went out and put up the dividers in the arena because we are supposedly only riding in an 20*40 meter instead of the 20*60 the normal horse patterns are in, because this w/t class does not need more room. Cargo is deathly afraid of jumps and anything the like, but he managed really well (The dividers are "jumps"set up closely against each other).
So we got in, walked down to the dividers and sniffed them thoroughly, got up and started the warm-up, which of course consisted of many rounds around the dividers. When Lis came we started some trot work, big laps around the arena, posting the trot, trying to make him relax a bit and collect. Then 20 m. circles,10 m. circles, sitting the trot, and doing my pattern a few times. It was just better every time!! Worked on half-halts, good trot tempo, and me sitting upright!! He also started to collect himself good. I have problems with it, but as soon as I loosen up and remember to work for it he will start to collect himself.
He was so wet when we finished, wow, but no solarium today, just on with a waterproof blanket and out in the pasture. I am sure he prefers it that way too. I love that horse :-) But my legs HURT. HURT HURT. I almost cramped when I started trotting. I've suddenly started to develop muscle in my lower legs, and coupled with the fact that I have put on weight and only "just" could get my boots on when I bought Cargo (Had not used them for over a half year previous) it is getting crampalicious!
I hope we will continue that good strain we have hit, he is such a good horse and I love him to bits, really. Only in the parades, he tries to take the bit and jig away, but if he will just stand still (if I can make him, that is), I am positive we will do well.
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Thankyou, Rasmus the Farrier!
I've got the perfect farrier. He is punctual, flexible, skilled, patient and has an incredibly cute butt!!
We started out a little past noon, and before he left it was almost 13.30. It was only a trim and two front shoes! But Cargos feet are a hard nut to crack, especially the front feet, because they dont grow *down* - only *out*.
He is trying to trim the hind feet round and nice, and trying to keep the front feet from flaring so badly. I think we can manage it with a 6-week schedule instead of the 8-week schedule the previous owner had.
Last time (Which also was the first time) my farrier did Cargos hooves, he put on a 100% plain shoe because Cargo had no heel whatsoever :-/Now he was able to put a regular shoe on, and to my great joy, Cargos front hooves sound almost the same when he walks. He was also enjoyable to ride afterwards. I did not do a very good job of the riding, though. *Hangs head in shame*. I doubt the judge will do anything but laugh at me. Oh well. Add to that that I need to wear spurs (Havent tried yet) and that the arena will be divided with cavalettis - Cargo is deathly afraid of anything resemblings jumps - and you have the reciept for desaster.
Ah well. It can only teach me things.
We started out a little past noon, and before he left it was almost 13.30. It was only a trim and two front shoes! But Cargos feet are a hard nut to crack, especially the front feet, because they dont grow *down* - only *out*.
He is trying to trim the hind feet round and nice, and trying to keep the front feet from flaring so badly. I think we can manage it with a 6-week schedule instead of the 8-week schedule the previous owner had.
Last time (Which also was the first time) my farrier did Cargos hooves, he put on a 100% plain shoe because Cargo had no heel whatsoever :-/Now he was able to put a regular shoe on, and to my great joy, Cargos front hooves sound almost the same when he walks. He was also enjoyable to ride afterwards. I did not do a very good job of the riding, though. *Hangs head in shame*. I doubt the judge will do anything but laugh at me. Oh well. Add to that that I need to wear spurs (Havent tried yet) and that the arena will be divided with cavalettis - Cargo is deathly afraid of anything resemblings jumps - and you have the reciept for desaster.
Ah well. It can only teach me things.
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Oh Dammit! (But I am strangely happy)
Today I wanted to spend extra much time with my horsie, so I went out there at 4 and got him and Magic from the pasture. Magics owner and I help each other getting them in and out, we save money and it is a little bit nice to see your horse more than just when you ride it. I had a lesson at 19.30 so I puttered around, tried his new bridle on him in his box, fixed a few things on it, helped other people, talked, and at 18.40 I went to groom and tack him up.
His hooves said "put put clop put put put clop put put put clop put". Oh crap, the horse lost his right front shoe in the pasture, and I did not even notice it with having him and Magic in my hands at the same time, just putting Cargo in the box and then tending to Magics blankets etc.
I checked him, his hoof is not hot, nor have the nails damaged his hoof, in fact, it looks sound and well. I did consider pulling the other shoe, but it was not loose, so I let him get the evening off, grudgingly. I hope he did not sense my anger as an anger directed towards him, I tried to rid myself of it and just feed him carrots and hay.
But I texted my farrier and he replied instantly "How about tomorrow at noon?". Oh what a good guy he is! So Cargo will get out with his favourite pasturemate Pluto, a 16.3 hh black warmblood gelding until noon, then a pedicure, and we'll practice for the show. Maybe another hour of pasture while I clean some tack up for the show and clean his box. Magic wont go out in the pasture before 10.30ish either (Show training ;), so it will be good for both of them to stay out a little longer, maybe 16.00ish, until it gets dark.
And I was lucky, my 20$ private lesson was taken by somebody else so I wont have to take a loss :) Otherwise I would have taken this old gal out:

Regina is a 20 yo grade warmblood (Oldenburg/Trakehener X, best guess). She is obese at the best, but I have access to her, and that way I would not have thrown away my money completely. I have many fond memories attatched to her, as she was Basses pasturemate the whole summer long, just the two, on a tiny farm way out... sigh.
His hooves said "put put clop put put put clop put put put clop put". Oh crap, the horse lost his right front shoe in the pasture, and I did not even notice it with having him and Magic in my hands at the same time, just putting Cargo in the box and then tending to Magics blankets etc.
I checked him, his hoof is not hot, nor have the nails damaged his hoof, in fact, it looks sound and well. I did consider pulling the other shoe, but it was not loose, so I let him get the evening off, grudgingly. I hope he did not sense my anger as an anger directed towards him, I tried to rid myself of it and just feed him carrots and hay.
But I texted my farrier and he replied instantly "How about tomorrow at noon?". Oh what a good guy he is! So Cargo will get out with his favourite pasturemate Pluto, a 16.3 hh black warmblood gelding until noon, then a pedicure, and we'll practice for the show. Maybe another hour of pasture while I clean some tack up for the show and clean his box. Magic wont go out in the pasture before 10.30ish either (Show training ;), so it will be good for both of them to stay out a little longer, maybe 16.00ish, until it gets dark.
And I was lucky, my 20$ private lesson was taken by somebody else so I wont have to take a loss :) Otherwise I would have taken this old gal out:
Regina is a 20 yo grade warmblood (Oldenburg/Trakehener X, best guess). She is obese at the best, but I have access to her, and that way I would not have thrown away my money completely. I have many fond memories attatched to her, as she was Basses pasturemate the whole summer long, just the two, on a tiny farm way out... sigh.
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Cargo, Basse & Lene
Here is Basse. Basse was a 16.2 (168) cm tall Warmblood mare who I met when a woman at the lesson barn bought her. She was so kind and beautifull, I fell in love with her instantly. Time makes things change, and a year later I was he proud owner of her.

I will surely tell more about her as time goes on, because I often miss her a lot and feel a need to talk about her. She had a good time with me, the Grand Old Lady that she was.

I bought Cargo in Oct. 2008, he was delivered the 20th with me anxiously awaiting him. He is a very tall Holsteiner gelding, but very gentle too. I had searched high and low here in Denmark for a horse that would meet my requirements of age, height, abillities and price. One day my mom sends me an E-mail with the headline "Horse Link". Huh, she is as nonhorsey as they get, I was sure my SIL or Sister had used her E-mail. But no, as my mother was searching the net for a carpet she found an online marketplace, and in the side bar there was a picture of a bay horse. So she clicked it, and saw that it was big, well-schooled, inexpensive, and resonably near us, and sent me the link. My SIL had no time to drive down there, so I got my mother to drive me down and look at him. It was a friday around noon, and by sunday afternoon I was horseowner again. Every time I have to pay something I fault my mom for finding him, but in reality it just prooves what I have always suspected.. My mother is the worlds best mother!!
Saturday we have reluctantly agreed to go to the Christmas Horseshow our Lesson Barn is putting up, and ride a Walk/Trot class. We will do it as best we can, there are several small circles and I know he can be hard to navigate on such small circles - cut the boy some slack, he is 8 and 16 inches taller than the two other participants ;)
I will surely tell more about her as time goes on, because I often miss her a lot and feel a need to talk about her. She had a good time with me, the Grand Old Lady that she was.
I bought Cargo in Oct. 2008, he was delivered the 20th with me anxiously awaiting him. He is a very tall Holsteiner gelding, but very gentle too. I had searched high and low here in Denmark for a horse that would meet my requirements of age, height, abillities and price. One day my mom sends me an E-mail with the headline "Horse Link". Huh, she is as nonhorsey as they get, I was sure my SIL or Sister had used her E-mail. But no, as my mother was searching the net for a carpet she found an online marketplace, and in the side bar there was a picture of a bay horse. So she clicked it, and saw that it was big, well-schooled, inexpensive, and resonably near us, and sent me the link. My SIL had no time to drive down there, so I got my mother to drive me down and look at him. It was a friday around noon, and by sunday afternoon I was horseowner again. Every time I have to pay something I fault my mom for finding him, but in reality it just prooves what I have always suspected.. My mother is the worlds best mother!!
Saturday we have reluctantly agreed to go to the Christmas Horseshow our Lesson Barn is putting up, and ride a Walk/Trot class. We will do it as best we can, there are several small circles and I know he can be hard to navigate on such small circles - cut the boy some slack, he is 8 and 16 inches taller than the two other participants ;)
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