Oh wow, Cargo-Argo was good today. He was very forward, which was good. He has had a lot of time off since last wednesday - I lunged him Thursday, rode him Friday, then he had Saturday off, we rode the trails for an hour Sunday, Monday I wanted to ride but had forgotten there was a meeting I had to go to, and yesterday he met the vet for his yearly shots. His teeth were floated too. So he should be good to go for another year!
He was very forward, and more giving than usual, more supple. I actually had to practice my half-halts, and we did many transitions because he was constantly running away from under me! Now, what a change in the horse. We did circles, the big ones were OK but with the small ones he was not so sure - so we did a lot of them. Shoulder-in, shoulder-out, leg yielding, you name it. He was on the bit more than he was not, so success! When we were almost finished I asked him to pick up a canter, and he instantly reacted and jumped forward into a big bold canter. Weeehee. I get more and more familiar with that gait, and soon I am sure we will be able to do good transitions from the canter too, just as I am now able to, sometimes, keep him on the bit in my transitions walk/trot/halt. Right now, when I try to transition to the trot from canter, he gets heavy in front and "falls over". My fault! But oh my God, he is such a good horse. I am sorry to leave him when I have to go home, want to kiss and pet him just one more time!
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Saturday, 24 January 2009
Rest for the weary.
Cargo was only longed Thursday, worked medium Friday, and got today off, too.
I did try to canter friday, but we only got a few steps in. I think I was too tired afterwards to do something really. It is a shame that I am so out of shape, I wish I could ride more! At least I have tomorrow to look forward to, there may be a trail ride :) Always being in the indoor arena is really getting to me.
I had Lis over this evening, and she showed me some of the horses she had ridden in the US when working with a lady called "Shawna", talked about the lady, and showed me pictures of her mare that she has borrowed a friend, because Lis dislikes mares just like me, and prefers geldings. I showed her pictures of Basse, sniffed a bit, showed her the video of me testriding Cargo and we both had a laugh about how much better he and I look now. Then I showed her pictures of when I had the professional photographer out who took pictures of Basse and I in August.

She was quite excited, and we agreed to get together and get him out sometime in the spring to take pictures of us. We were pretty positive that others would want to join us, too, so we could get a good deal. Seems the price had gone up some since, but a quarter, but meh. If I want something, I should be ready to pay what it costs, and I really got it for a steal last time!
I did try to canter friday, but we only got a few steps in. I think I was too tired afterwards to do something really. It is a shame that I am so out of shape, I wish I could ride more! At least I have tomorrow to look forward to, there may be a trail ride :) Always being in the indoor arena is really getting to me.
I had Lis over this evening, and she showed me some of the horses she had ridden in the US when working with a lady called "Shawna", talked about the lady, and showed me pictures of her mare that she has borrowed a friend, because Lis dislikes mares just like me, and prefers geldings. I showed her pictures of Basse, sniffed a bit, showed her the video of me testriding Cargo and we both had a laugh about how much better he and I look now. Then I showed her pictures of when I had the professional photographer out who took pictures of Basse and I in August.

She was quite excited, and we agreed to get together and get him out sometime in the spring to take pictures of us. We were pretty positive that others would want to join us, too, so we could get a good deal. Seems the price had gone up some since, but a quarter, but meh. If I want something, I should be ready to pay what it costs, and I really got it for a steal last time!
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
With Basse, it took 4 months to get to the canter. With Regina, her owner chased her with a whip the second time I rode her. With Cargo, I did try cantering after 2 months and 10 days. Today, 3 months and 1 day after I got him, WE DID IT! I took my own sweet time, we have trotted so much, walked, and I get better every day, I dont believe we have started cantering one day too soon. Last time I tried on him, I think I made the mistake of starting at the end of a long side in the arena, meaning he could not go forward and "find our balance", plus I leaned forward, let go of everything and so on.
But, to be honest, I think his canter is the easiest thing I have ever sat on. He canters incredibly smooth. So now I can learn how to canter, too! I have set a goal for us to ride a beginners dressage test around May 1. I will need to walk, trot and canter relaxed 20 m circles and trot a ½ 10-m circle. All but the cantering circle is easy-peasy, so I am looking forward to the test :)
We also did some acceptable sidepasses, but man is it hard to control my body with those long legs dangling and the hands and my shoulders and the horse is losing his butt..
(I made my teacher laugh out loudly when he told me the horse was "Losing his Butt", and I asked him how I was supposed to remedy that, after all I could not pick it up and put it in my pocket!)
But, to be honest, I think his canter is the easiest thing I have ever sat on. He canters incredibly smooth. So now I can learn how to canter, too! I have set a goal for us to ride a beginners dressage test around May 1. I will need to walk, trot and canter relaxed 20 m circles and trot a ½ 10-m circle. All but the cantering circle is easy-peasy, so I am looking forward to the test :)
We also did some acceptable sidepasses, but man is it hard to control my body with those long legs dangling and the hands and my shoulders and the horse is losing his butt..
(I made my teacher laugh out loudly when he told me the horse was "Losing his Butt", and I asked him how I was supposed to remedy that, after all I could not pick it up and put it in my pocket!)
Monday, 19 January 2009
I like this picture. He was looking at something outside the barn, and I was just looking at him while talking to my little brother, telling about Cargo, horses, and different stuff.
So, I put it here, just because I like to gaze at him.
Sunday, 18 January 2009
"When the Student is Ready..
the Teacher will appear".
This post is devoted to Basse.

I dont know where Basse came from, or rahter, theoretically I could find out, but I do not want to. I am afraid of finding the trail end at a slaughter house or something worse.
I was riding at the local lesson barn, and there was another woman in my group. I found her to be kind of strange, which she has only confirmed in her actings lateron. She bought an adorable gray pony mare. When they tried to ride her, she was lame. Always lame when ridden. Nothing wrong with her physically, I believe the term is "String Halt" in english.
So she wanted another horse, found Basse on the net for cheap, and exchanged the gray pony for Basse. I never saw her riding Basse though, and other people have confirmed it. Things change, and I did not go to the lesson barn for two months, and when I returned some things had changed and I was in for a part-lease. The horse I wanted to part-lease was already leased out against an earlier agreement, so I was offered Basse who in the meantime had transferred from being the womans horse to being a lesson horse. I was the only one who rode her. Three days a week, for over half a year, cantering, trusting her, outside on the trails and in the arena. We also had a bad fall, and I think it triggered her arthritis to get really bad.
Look at that face - the most beautifull expression ever.

I worried about her, I groomed her, I fed her, blanketed her with a blanket I bought for the money that was supposed to buy me a new coat (I froze a lot last winter), and in February I was told she was almost sold and that I should seperate my tack from the tack that the barn owned. Well. I paid too much for her, but I loved her, simply put. I was, and am, so inexperienced, but I knew that if I let her slip away I would never ever forgive myself.
She was the teacher, and I was the student. I learned love, and forgiveness, and how far you can stretch yourself if you truly love somebody.
She fattened up, I moved her to pasture board, she lightened up, loved her buddy Regina (It was mutual), and we spent a summer in Paradise, Basse and I. We did not ride much, because of the snake in the paradise. Her front legs. She would stumble, and I had the vet out who told me she was navicular and arthritic in her front legs. We tried with pads, very very expensive, feeding supplements etc. I found out she was not 15, but at least 21-22, if not older.
I did not ride her much anymore, I would walk her bareback all over in the little town, clicker train her, lunge her, but try to spare her front legs as much as I could. Come September I got out to find her very sore in her front legs, lame in the field. That was it, my horse was not supposed to hurt, and I knew what he responsible action was. I called my SIL and asked her if she would kindly be with me, before I called the vet, and she agreed. We made out a date, and I called the vet, crying. It was so incredibly hard. It didnt work out, I had made the appointment too early in the day, and I did not feel like pressing the issue.

Sept. 15, I came out at 6 am and fussed around the horses. The pasture owner came out, we agreed on the spot I had picked, and at 8 the vet came out. Basse was not intent on leaving yet, and taught me the last lesson, that even though your heart is breaking and life comes tumbling down, love is still stronger than death and fear. We waited for 25 minutes until she left us, and at the end, I was asking her to leave me.

She kind of never did. I cried by her side for long, picked up her "Twin" - Regina, 100% Dependent on Basse, let her sniff and say goodbye, went back and said my own, final goodbyes - when I turned around she was there. Just everywhere. She galopped in the sky, grazed the fine grass at the rainbow bridge, nickered in a place inside my heart. She is still here with me.

When I close my eyes for the last time, I hope to look into these eyes one more time, and express my gratitude to her one more time.
This post is devoted to Basse.
I dont know where Basse came from, or rahter, theoretically I could find out, but I do not want to. I am afraid of finding the trail end at a slaughter house or something worse.
I was riding at the local lesson barn, and there was another woman in my group. I found her to be kind of strange, which she has only confirmed in her actings lateron. She bought an adorable gray pony mare. When they tried to ride her, she was lame. Always lame when ridden. Nothing wrong with her physically, I believe the term is "String Halt" in english.
So she wanted another horse, found Basse on the net for cheap, and exchanged the gray pony for Basse. I never saw her riding Basse though, and other people have confirmed it. Things change, and I did not go to the lesson barn for two months, and when I returned some things had changed and I was in for a part-lease. The horse I wanted to part-lease was already leased out against an earlier agreement, so I was offered Basse who in the meantime had transferred from being the womans horse to being a lesson horse. I was the only one who rode her. Three days a week, for over half a year, cantering, trusting her, outside on the trails and in the arena. We also had a bad fall, and I think it triggered her arthritis to get really bad.
Look at that face - the most beautifull expression ever.
I worried about her, I groomed her, I fed her, blanketed her with a blanket I bought for the money that was supposed to buy me a new coat (I froze a lot last winter), and in February I was told she was almost sold and that I should seperate my tack from the tack that the barn owned. Well. I paid too much for her, but I loved her, simply put. I was, and am, so inexperienced, but I knew that if I let her slip away I would never ever forgive myself.
She was the teacher, and I was the student. I learned love, and forgiveness, and how far you can stretch yourself if you truly love somebody.
She fattened up, I moved her to pasture board, she lightened up, loved her buddy Regina (It was mutual), and we spent a summer in Paradise, Basse and I. We did not ride much, because of the snake in the paradise. Her front legs. She would stumble, and I had the vet out who told me she was navicular and arthritic in her front legs. We tried with pads, very very expensive, feeding supplements etc. I found out she was not 15, but at least 21-22, if not older.
I did not ride her much anymore, I would walk her bareback all over in the little town, clicker train her, lunge her, but try to spare her front legs as much as I could. Come September I got out to find her very sore in her front legs, lame in the field. That was it, my horse was not supposed to hurt, and I knew what he responsible action was. I called my SIL and asked her if she would kindly be with me, before I called the vet, and she agreed. We made out a date, and I called the vet, crying. It was so incredibly hard. It didnt work out, I had made the appointment too early in the day, and I did not feel like pressing the issue.
Sept. 15, I came out at 6 am and fussed around the horses. The pasture owner came out, we agreed on the spot I had picked, and at 8 the vet came out. Basse was not intent on leaving yet, and taught me the last lesson, that even though your heart is breaking and life comes tumbling down, love is still stronger than death and fear. We waited for 25 minutes until she left us, and at the end, I was asking her to leave me.
She kind of never did. I cried by her side for long, picked up her "Twin" - Regina, 100% Dependent on Basse, let her sniff and say goodbye, went back and said my own, final goodbyes - when I turned around she was there. Just everywhere. She galopped in the sky, grazed the fine grass at the rainbow bridge, nickered in a place inside my heart. She is still here with me.
When I close my eyes for the last time, I hope to look into these eyes one more time, and express my gratitude to her one more time.
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Yes, he is perfect
Oh my, what *cant* we do?
We did an extended trot today :) Only in the beginning stages, but it was such a huge thing that he was *fast* and not sloooow. When I bought him I was told I needed spurs when doing dressage. Thats roughly 3 months ago. Time just flies by..
Turns out it was not that bad that he arrived here thin. I gave him time to fatten up, get better, we walked a lot, bonded, and he learned how to go forward without a spur in his side. By now I have to do halfhalts when he is warmed up well and goes forward! I am a so much better rider now, and I hope he is happy with me as well. I am concerned because he has taken to bite when tacking him up, and will weave a bit when I come to take him out - not much, just the head thing, but it worries me nonetheless. At least I have taken the blanket off of him now and will not have to stress him with it anymore. It only goes on for turnout on wet days.
I was so happy today that I gushed about him to my trainer/teacher and marveled at how much horse I had gotten for such a little price - he pondered and bid 800 USD more than I had given, for him! NOPE!! We had a laugh about it, and he told me he'd never expected us to progress as fast as we had. Cargo is a Saint.
He stands still with much less headtossing than before, he is much more forward, those are the two main things that have improved that were not caused by my inabillity to ride a horse.
We did an extended trot today :) Only in the beginning stages, but it was such a huge thing that he was *fast* and not sloooow. When I bought him I was told I needed spurs when doing dressage. Thats roughly 3 months ago. Time just flies by..
Turns out it was not that bad that he arrived here thin. I gave him time to fatten up, get better, we walked a lot, bonded, and he learned how to go forward without a spur in his side. By now I have to do halfhalts when he is warmed up well and goes forward! I am a so much better rider now, and I hope he is happy with me as well. I am concerned because he has taken to bite when tacking him up, and will weave a bit when I come to take him out - not much, just the head thing, but it worries me nonetheless. At least I have taken the blanket off of him now and will not have to stress him with it anymore. It only goes on for turnout on wet days.
I was so happy today that I gushed about him to my trainer/teacher and marveled at how much horse I had gotten for such a little price - he pondered and bid 800 USD more than I had given, for him! NOPE!! We had a laugh about it, and he told me he'd never expected us to progress as fast as we had. Cargo is a Saint.
He stands still with much less headtossing than before, he is much more forward, those are the two main things that have improved that were not caused by my inabillity to ride a horse.
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
Hit on the head
Oh yes! Still gritting my teeth. Came out today to the barn and promptly laid flat with my bike on the icy surface in the driveway. OUCH. Hit with my head first, and boy can I feel it. I think I went out for a second, and I found my hat and my glasses (unhurt, thank God) several feet away from me. Brought the horses to pasture, very cranky! Everywhere it was slippery, and I am happy every day Cargo comes in, unhurt.
I was not too sure I would make it to my riding lesson tonight, because I have been moved to 8 pm, and with my head and leg and shoulder hurting, well. But I thought I should, so I showed up. Good thing I did, wow did I ever learn something, and got some stuff to think about and try and practice. I did not get to trot enough (IMO) before the lesson started, but it ended up OK since we started with trotting circles. Then, trot/walk and walk/trot, sidewards movements, a little canter, sitting right - he was quite taken with us today, and I did sense Cargo moving better than usual which was affirmed by the onlookers. He was easier to ride, and, get this: My sweaty boy was not even a little wet today. I am sure it is because it was so damned cold, but huh? We must not haven ridden enough for him to sweat today, but he worked himself up good towards he end and started cantering without the cue - too smart for his own good :) I like it when he is a little "on" though, as long as it is no more than I can handle, and it certainly isnt.
I was not too sure I would make it to my riding lesson tonight, because I have been moved to 8 pm, and with my head and leg and shoulder hurting, well. But I thought I should, so I showed up. Good thing I did, wow did I ever learn something, and got some stuff to think about and try and practice. I did not get to trot enough (IMO) before the lesson started, but it ended up OK since we started with trotting circles. Then, trot/walk and walk/trot, sidewards movements, a little canter, sitting right - he was quite taken with us today, and I did sense Cargo moving better than usual which was affirmed by the onlookers. He was easier to ride, and, get this: My sweaty boy was not even a little wet today. I am sure it is because it was so damned cold, but huh? We must not haven ridden enough for him to sweat today, but he worked himself up good towards he end and started cantering without the cue - too smart for his own good :) I like it when he is a little "on" though, as long as it is no more than I can handle, and it certainly isnt.
Monday, 5 January 2009
Its cold outside.
Oh daaaamn it is COLD!
I put the heavy blanket on Cargo, 200 g. He has a heavier one, but he is only wearing a rain sheet normally, so I did not think it was neccesary, especially because I stopped giving him the 200g on after finding him drenched in sweat under it one day.
I was almost an icicle after being in the barn for a few hours, feeling very bad, so we only walked for like 15 minutes. I know, lame, but whatever. He was very good today, for what little we did, so it was not wasted.
Guess I'll see what I do tomorrow before I let them out, if I change his blanket or not. He is so hot naturally, and I just dont think I want to clip him entirely :-/
I put the heavy blanket on Cargo, 200 g. He has a heavier one, but he is only wearing a rain sheet normally, so I did not think it was neccesary, especially because I stopped giving him the 200g on after finding him drenched in sweat under it one day.
I was almost an icicle after being in the barn for a few hours, feeling very bad, so we only walked for like 15 minutes. I know, lame, but whatever. He was very good today, for what little we did, so it was not wasted.
Guess I'll see what I do tomorrow before I let them out, if I change his blanket or not. He is so hot naturally, and I just dont think I want to clip him entirely :-/
Sunday, 4 January 2009
Cant Canter
Yesterday, it seemed as if everybody wanted to ride at the same time. Understandably so, before dinner and after the horses pasture time was over, a gap of 2-3 hours. When I rode there were 5 horses in the arena, one of which is a young (5) gelding who, in his owners words, only has one braincell ;-) (I agree). He was really good when he was finally warmed up, and at one point he really started trotting well, going forward, lifting his legs. Maybe because I at that point rode better than usual?
We tried cantering, but there was so much pressure because I had to ask everybody, especially Pluto (The young one) to go to the other side of the arena because I had no clue if Cargo would weer off, if I would fall or some such. It is hard to canter! In the first two tries I leaned crazily forward, which of course stopped him in his tracks immediately. The next two tries I leaned back, and actually got one or two strides on the right lead, but I was holding on too tightly on the reins. Ah well, today Lis will help me, I am sure. Hopefully the arena wont be as full as yesterday, too. We originally had planned to go hacking, but I doubt she will want to go out in this pea-soup weather, well I can always hope!
If everything goes like planned I will test-clip Cargo today too, to see how bad he reacts to the clipper (Seller used to sedate him), and what I need to do to keep him comfortable, or if he maybe can get used to the clipper if I work with him.
We tried cantering, but there was so much pressure because I had to ask everybody, especially Pluto (The young one) to go to the other side of the arena because I had no clue if Cargo would weer off, if I would fall or some such. It is hard to canter! In the first two tries I leaned crazily forward, which of course stopped him in his tracks immediately. The next two tries I leaned back, and actually got one or two strides on the right lead, but I was holding on too tightly on the reins. Ah well, today Lis will help me, I am sure. Hopefully the arena wont be as full as yesterday, too. We originally had planned to go hacking, but I doubt she will want to go out in this pea-soup weather, well I can always hope!
If everything goes like planned I will test-clip Cargo today too, to see how bad he reacts to the clipper (Seller used to sedate him), and what I need to do to keep him comfortable, or if he maybe can get used to the clipper if I work with him.
Thursday, 1 January 2009
Thanks, 2008.
Yesterday I watched 2008 pass and 2009 come up. I thought about what 2008 had brought and what happened, and I was quite pleased and thankfull for this year.
I got to buy the soul (Basse) I cared about and loved dearly, and even though I had to send her on after 7 short months I am happy I had the oppotunity to care for her and make the tail end of her life good. I did well in school, had a good time with my boyfriend, my niece was born, I bought Cargo, and not a single really bad thing happened in my family.
Since dec. 8 my riding has been developing so rapidly that you wouldnt believe it, and yesterday I overcame a fear that has been ruling my riding since Mogsy, a school horse, ran with me fall '06 and threw me at a full gallop, and that was not helped by falling with Basse March '07.
Cargo and I Cantered. The Perfect Horse Cantered underneath me and I just sat like in a chair. I wrote the previous owner a long letter of thanks for selling me this horse, and for me it ended the old year 2008 with a very very positive shine.
I got to buy the soul (Basse) I cared about and loved dearly, and even though I had to send her on after 7 short months I am happy I had the oppotunity to care for her and make the tail end of her life good. I did well in school, had a good time with my boyfriend, my niece was born, I bought Cargo, and not a single really bad thing happened in my family.
Since dec. 8 my riding has been developing so rapidly that you wouldnt believe it, and yesterday I overcame a fear that has been ruling my riding since Mogsy, a school horse, ran with me fall '06 and threw me at a full gallop, and that was not helped by falling with Basse March '07.
Cargo and I Cantered. The Perfect Horse Cantered underneath me and I just sat like in a chair. I wrote the previous owner a long letter of thanks for selling me this horse, and for me it ended the old year 2008 with a very very positive shine.
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