Sunday 28 December 2008

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Both my sister, my younger brother and my parents got new digital cameras for christmas. I was so lucky that I could convince my brother to drive me to my home in Denmark, and to ake pictures and a movie of me while I was riding. He kind of blew the picture part, none of them were remotely good - except maybe the one of "The Blonde" (A brunette riding a fjord, yes, I was LOL'ing when he described her as "The Blonde" becaue the horse was "Blond").

This is a still from the movie he made of us, where I directed him to the middle of the arena and then proceeded to trot around and around him. Here I am sitting the trot, and I really, really like this picture. Cargo hits heel first, he walks at a good speed, and I dont sit like a total troll. My trainer is not satisfied because Cargos head is not "down", but meh, I think it is the overall package that counts.

Look, getting the back up, bending here, trotting like a pro. Granted, not much "fly" in his gaits, but I dont care, as long as they are solid. My legs are only a little forward, my hands are upright, my back is much straighter than before, my arms are not flying so badly.

Behold, a still from the video when I was trying him out. We are "trying" to bend here - see the flying arms, the chair seat, how the toes point out more, his back is pressed down, and he is not stepping up in his own track. This is not a bad moment, it is probably one of the best moments in the whole video.

I was a little disappointed in myself for not cantering yet, but after seeing this video I know why I am not cantering, and I have known all along. I need balance, I need reassurance, I need to be good and solid before I go to the next level. Today I had a real great experience, I was just walking around when I wanted to rearrange my seat but just made a jerk forward - and wouldnt you know, the horse trotted off :) I tried to repeat what I did a few times, and sure enough, I soon found out just how to make him trot off with just my seat. I also started teaching myself the two-point position, but I am still jiggling a lot up and down with the heavy butt of mine, but I learn something new every time I ride him. We only rode like 25 minutes today because my grandparents were watching and pointing at their watches (Why do they come 30 min. early, then?), but it was good nonetheless.
My grandparents were very happily surprised at Cargo. I think they suspected another Basse, but I showed them his papers, my grandmother fed him carrots and praised his even, steady gaits, they awed at his size, and my grandfather told me that Cargo is built sturdily and is a "Really pretty horse, you are a very pretty rider, and it made me very proud to see you two ride". Thanks Grandpa :)

On another note, my younger brother (He is not my "little" brother, as he is 6'5" tall) also rode Cargo, it was a blast. First, it was a heart attack for me because he is so unhorsey, tried to rearrange Cargos blanket while I desperately tried to get him to take the reins as the horse was walking off, having stood still for longer than he ever does when I get up. Then he attempts to stop the horse - would have worked if he had not dug his heels into Cargos side. Ah well, now he knows that Cargo has a niiice slooow trot. He learned how to stop him, steer him, all calmly and in a good manner, but I was laughing my butt off when he did not see me. Cargo was clearly confused at the beginning, but when he found out the guy on his back was not expecting him to do anything, he relaxed almost to the "sleeping while awake" state.


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